Box Hill Institute
Certificate III in Zookeeping
Postal Address: Private Bag 2014, Box Hill 3128, AUSTRALIA
Whitehorse Campus
1000 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 (0)3 9286 9222
3 year program
Charles Stuart University
Graduate Diploma of Captive Vertebrate Management
Graduate Certificate in Captive Vertebrate Management
There is also a Masters degree available.
There are numerous campuses so all contact information is through the following link:
CSU’s Graduate Certificate in Captive Vertebrate Management is designed to provide graduates with scientific training and career development opportunities in the fields associated with captive vertebrate management.
Ultimo College, TAFE, Sydney Australia
Certificate III in Zookeeping
Certificate III in Animal Care and Husbandry
Harris Street, ULTIMO NSW 2007, AUSTRALIA
Phone: within Australia 1300 360 601
Phone: outside Australia +61 2 9217 2900
University of Western Australia
BSc in Animal Science
Nedlands Perth, Western Australia 6907 Australia
The program is geared more toward animal management than most animal science programs.
Alberta Business Education Services
Certificate in Zoo Technology
2910 3rd Avenue NE Calgary, AB T2A 6T7.
Phone: (403) 232-8758
These are not actual schools but training centers for adults.
Instut Rural La chamelière
44470 Carquefou
00 33 240527982
New Zealand
Unitec New Zealand
Bachelor of Applied Animal Technology
Certificates in Animal Care and Animal Management
Private Bag 92025
Carrington Road, Mt Albert
Auckland, New Zealand
Phone: +64-9-849 4180
This program aims to provide students with an understanding of the issues relating to animal health, welfare, production, conservation, and law and ethics. It also covers recent technological developments in these areas.
United Kingdom
Bishop Burton College
BTCE National Diploma in Animal Management
Bishop Burton, Beverley, East Yorkshire HU17 8QG
Tel: (01964) 553000
2 year program
They have several other areas of study related to animal care. These courses can be viewed on the same link.
Hartpury College
Animal Care (First Diploma)
Animal Management (National Award)
Animal Management (National Certificate)
Animal Management (National Diploma)
Hartpury House, Gloucester, GL19 3BE
Tel: 01452 700283
Program runs one to four years depending on which degree you want.
University of Plymouth
MSc/PgDip Zoo Conservation Biology
Postgraduate Admissions
Faculty of Science
University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth PL4 8AA
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1752 233093
This program aims to provide the essential knowledge to support scientists working in areas of captive breeding, management of exotic animal species, and wildlife conservation. The programme is jointly delivered by staff of the University and Paignton Zoo Environment Park, Totnes Road, Paignton, Devon, TQ4 7EU.
University of Greenwich
Animal Management BSc Hons / Animal Management HND
Old Royal Naval College, Park Row, Greenwich, London SE10 9LS 020 8331 8000
University of Lincoln
BSc (Hons) Animal Management & Welfare
Brayford Pool, Lincoln, LN6 7TS UK
Tel: +44 (0)1522 882000
3 year program
Weston College
National Diploma in Animal Management
Knightstone Road, Weston-super-Mare, North Somerset BS23 2AL
Tel: 01934 411 411
Overseas Tel: +44 1934 411411
2 year program
Wiltshire College Lackham
National Diploma in Animal Management
Higher National Certificate/Diploma in Animal Management
BSc Honours in Animal Science and Management
Lacock ? Chippenham SN15 2NY
Phone: 01249 466800
Program runs one to four years depending on which degree you want.
Hogeschool Van Hall Larenstein
Agora 1, 8934 CJ Leeuwarden
4 year Bachelor course in Animal Management (presented in Dutch)
International students are welcome. The school offers an international programme for students with a bachelor diploma in a related field (or students who have finished at least 2 years of University education in a related field); this full time course is taught in English, takes 2 years and leads to a BSc in Nature and Wildlife Management. The number of English-taught modules has recently increased, including modules on Wildlife Management (both in situ and ex situ), Companion Animal Management, Animal Welfare, International Policy, and others.
Aqua Zoo Friesland
Students are responsible for part of the management of the zoo so they learn all aspects, not just animal keeping.
Ogr’d Zoologiczny w Poznaniu
Zoobiology Summer School at Poznan Zoo, Poland
ul. Browarna 25
61-063 Poznan
tel. : dyrekcja : + 48 61 876 82 09, 876 82 25
FAX. : + 48 61 877 35 33
Every year an increasing number of students work at the zoo as volunteers, practitioners, or to make observations for master’s degrees and PhD’s. As there is no place in our country where students can get a formal education in the management of wild animals in captivity, a need arose to provide, apart from normal work, a professional training in various aspects of zoo biology. Therefore we decided to hold for the first time a summer school. During the intensive six day course from July 7 through July 12 there will be lectures as well as guided tours, led by curators, through the zoos. All higher staff of the zoo will be involved in the training. The lecture topics are varied and will cover all aspects of animal husbandry, feeding, history and development of modern zoos, conservation through captive breeding, reintroduction, record keeping, behavioral enrichment, hand-rearing techniques, genetics, international cooperation and education, and other subjects. Additionally, there will be a day-long excursion to the breeding center for native threatened species run by Academy of Agriculture. Over 40 people registered for the summer school in 2003. Students include zoo animal keepers, students, scientific university staff as well as people simply interested in wild animal husbandry and zoos in general. We do hope that in this way we will further strengthen ties with scientific and conservation community as well as prepare new, better trained staff for Polish zoos.