The AAZK Lifetime Achievement Awards shall be given in two categories and is intended to recognize a professional commitment and service within the field of exotic animal care in the twilight of their careers.
The Lifetime Achievement Award was established by the 1993 Awards Committee. The award is presented at the annual AAZK National Conference.
Lifetime Achievement
- The nominee shall be a member of AAZK in good-standing at the time of nomination.
- Nominee shall have been a Professional Member of AAZK for a minimum of 20 years;
- The nominee shall be employed for a minimum of twenty years of combined service in the zoo or aquarium profession with initial employment at the keeper/aquarist level for ten years, with subsequent supervisory, management, educational or specialized employment, achieving a minimum of twenty years in the animal care profession.
The nominee shall be nominated by two of his or her peers who have also been employed at that same zoo, aquarium or related facility. Supporting nominations may be submitted by personnel from the institution(s) where the nominee has been employed.
Lifetime Achievement
AAZK Meritorious Service Award
To recognize outstanding service or contribution with significant contributions to the entire zoological community; or recognition of specific and continued contribution to the American Association of Zoo Keepers.
- The nominee shall be strongly committed to education, conservation, science, and the welfare of animals, and actively involved in furthering these causes within the zoo and aquarium profession or field of conservation.
- The nominee shall have made outstanding contributions to the zoo and aquarium profession, AAZK, conservation, science or technology, as represented by scholarly publications and presentations, institutional and association leadership, and/or other tangible and measurable achievements.
- The nominee may also have served AAZK in the role of Committee Chair or Program Manager for a minimum ten year period of continuous service. The Award shall be conveyed upon their separation of service to AAZK.
Members in good standing with AAZK may petition the Board of Directors of the American Association of Zoo keepers in writing to champion the merits of an individual or program in consideration for nomination in the category of Meritorious Service.
The nominee shall be further championed by a Board Member and presented to the Board of Directors where the nomination shall be confirmed by a majority of the Board of Directors of the American Association of Zoo Keepers.
Nomination Procedure
- List nominee by name and position and years of service in the professional field. Provide the institution’s name, address, phone and Person of Authority where the nominee is employed at the time of retirement. Provide additional recommendations of peers or colleagues.
- List and document outstanding achievements: exhibits, population management, education, project participation, papers, etc., and AAZK involvement on a local or national level.
- Describe extra curricula activities outside of zoo, aquarium or related facility: working with conservation groups, animal-related youth groups, rehabilitation wildlife officials, etc.
- Paragraph on why the nominee fits the criteria.
- Provide references or endorsements to support the nomination.
- Deadline for nominations is MAY 1st of each year.
Concurrence of the nomination requires a signature from the Director/CEO of the facility or their representative.
Selection Procedure
The Awards Committee, consisting of five individuals, will independently review each nominee for the Lifetime Achievement Award in AAZK Professional Service. The Lifetime Achievement Award in AAZK Meritorious Service is conveyed by the Board of Directors and is executed by the Awards Committee.
Nomination Form
Download the Lifetime (LA) Achievement Nomination Forms below: